Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sears & IBM entering into Second Life

American retail store, Sears, is entering online marketing with a 3-D virtual showroom in the Second Life online world. IBM has new ideas up its sleeve as it plans to build virtual stores for Sears Holdings and Circuit City Stores in the popular online world ‘Second Life’. The deals could help IBM expand its consulting services to corporate clients interested in the growing number of people who belong to online environments, dubbed '3-D Internet'.Sears Virtual Home will let visitors explore and custom redesign kitchens on the Internet, experimenting with different cabinet styles and facings and changing the color of countertops.
Second Life Looks to Open-source Move for GrowthOn the other hand, in the first week of January 2007, Second Life Grid had made available the Second Life client source code for you to download within the guidelines of the GNU GPL version 2.The Second Life development work currently in progress is focused on building the Second Life Grid—a vision of a globally interconnected grid with clients and servers published and managed by different groups. Expect many changes and updates in the coming months in support of this architecture.The initial move means outsiders will be able to modify the Second Life viewer software. That practice isn't a guarantee for success, but it has worked well with other open-source projects such as Linux and Apache. Second Life participants already have written millions of lines of script code to control Second Life objects and It would be a little silly to not allow that talent and energy to be applied to the client (viewer software) itself.
Second Life is a virtual world where people's avatars can chat, fly, buy goods and interact with programmable objects. Basic membership is free, but Linden Lab sells real estate to those who want to set up shop.


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised when I hear of another company entering Second Life.It's strange why so many fo them are still out of it))

Opra said...

It's not a secret that online world "Second Life" is rather popular with people.I think that game players will be satisfied with this situation.

Portable Storage said...

Thanks for the article.Your article was pretty informative and i hope that in future also i get these kind of article.

Portable Storage,